Flexible, low cost communications solutions

TelephonistOur complete range of telecoms products and services will meet and exceed your school’s needs. Our services are also scalable, meaning you can easily adapt them as your requirements change.


• FREE local calls

• Special schools rate of 2p per minute calls to any UK national, local land line and UK mobile

• BT Wholesale rates on line rentals – noticeably reducing costs

Telephony Services

We offer bespoke telecommunication solutions to schools and businesses throughout the UK


Our helpdesk service provides high-quality service for all our clients by:

  • Agreeing a course of action to resolve problems
  • Logging each call and issuing a job number for future reference
  • Providing an escalation procedure for major service issues
  • Providing problem diagnosis and resolution
  • Providing an experienced management team with fast response times
  • Supplying well-trained and competent staff who work on a problem until a satisfactory resolution is achieved
  • Being available when needed
  • Being environmentally sound in all our practices and procedures


We offer bespoke telecommunication solutions to schools and businesses throughout the UK.